Most newly arrived young refugees seeking to access 16-19 education will enrol into a further education (FE) college. Sixth-form schools and FE colleges play a vital role in ensuring the integration of 16 -19 year old refugees.
Refugee young people may have experienced disruption to their education and the loss of friends and family. For them, attending FE and being fully included helps restore daily routines in a safe environment and provides opportunities to make progress with learning.
The further education sector provides a unique opportunity for refugee young people to integrate with other young people from all sections of society and help enable them to acquire the skills and training they need to gain access to higher education and employment.
Developing support for young refugees is the responsibility of all FE staff.
Schools and FE colleges have recognised that some groups of students experience disadvantage and may not enjoy equal access to entitlements and services. These institutions actively promote equality of opportunity, and ensure that refugee students do not experience additional barriers that will impact on their progress and well-being. Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA) analysed Local Education Authorities’ (LEAs) entitlement statements and lists the common features of 14-19 Entitlement relating to college and work-based training as well as in schools. Emphasis is placed on meeting each individual student’s needs by designing a more flexible and personalised curriculum, providing a safe and secure learning environment, providing comprehensive and accessible information, advice, guidance and support and ensuring equality of opportunity.
The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 places a duty on all public bodies, including schools and colleges, to promote equality of opportunity, tackle racial discrimination and promote good relations between different communities.
The Children Act 2004 and Every Child Matters: Change for Children outline the responsibility of schools and LEAs to ensure the well-being and progress of all children and young people, including refugees, by working together more effectively with other agencies and services.
This area of the website provides information, guidance and case studies on good practice in FE.
By accessing further education and other services, refugee young people can get help with their immediate needs and start the process of integration.
Refugee young people come to schools and colleges with diverse talents and skills. With the right support and encouragement, they can achieve their full potential.
By contributing to the community young refugees are able to integrate more fully. School sixth-forms and FE colleges provide a safe and secure environment and opportunities for refugee young people to make new friends. They also play an important role in raising awareness in the host community of the benefits of cultural diversity.